Taking baby steps and celebrating small wins
“Let the Waters Settle and you will see the moon and stars mirrored in your own being.” -Rumi
“…..who could be so lucky? who comes to a lake for water and sees the reflection of the moon.” -Rumi
This week was a hard week for me mentally and emotionally. I felt so drained mentally and physically and was feeling depressed. I’m not sure what brought on my depression so hard this past week. I think it was a combination of things and just feeling so down on myself. I’ve realized I’ve had a perfectionist mindset for as long as I can remember and sometimes that really gets in the way. I have an all or nothing mindset. I’m either all in or all out. If I feel like I’m “Failing” I just want to give up.
This past week I felt like I was failing….at everything. I felt like I wasn’t losing weight, I wasn’t eating my best (falling back into that all or nothing mindset), I wasn’t exercising as much as I should. According to no one but myself and my own mental mindset. So therefore, I was failing yet again. Even though in reality I was really just taking baby steps. That is not actually failure that is how habits are born and how they are kept for the long term.
In the past I’ve gone all in and burned out in a day, a week, a month. This time my goal is not burnout but cultivating long term habits that will help me to achieve my goals. Realizing that I am a human and am not perfect. Not everyday will be the same. The same food, the same exercise, the same motivation. And really that is okay. That is actually healthy and normal. I’m not a robot I’m a person.

Today I am celebrating my small wins and my baby steps. Because they are moving me foreword step by step. Habit by habit.