The last few years have been exhausting. Right before Christmas my mom’s cat who I also loved passed away from kidney failure. And it’s been a trying few years for other reasons. I was dealing with health struggles. At the beginning of December, I was diagnosed with Uterine Fibroids and underwent a D&C. Two of the fibroids are in my uterine wall muscles so I was told nothing could be done about these but the other one actually turned out to be a polyp and was removed.
It is now 2023 and I am starting it off on a good note. I say my goals have been reborn because in a sense they are really not new, Most of these goals or resolutions I’ve actually had for a long time. Some of them I’ve done pretty well with at times and some have been neglected.
This year my main goal is that I want to be happy. So I need to add more of the things to my life that I hope will make me happy or continue to make me happy.
A lot of my goals and resolutions have to do with my health since it is something I’ve struggled with for the last few years. Mainly female health issues and last year was diagnosed with IBS.
My health goals are:
To Drink More Water
Something I’ve been doing pretty well off and on with the past few months since I’ve been trying to lose weight and have lost about 19 pounds. With the holidays my fitness goals got put on the back burner. Luckily, I only gained about 5 pounds back.
To work out again
I’ve got a planner and have been tracking my workouts. I recently ordered an Erin Condron book planner and planner specifically for fitness. I’ve been using Obe which is a workout platform I really enjoy. I’ve also been using The Transform App. And tracking my calories and meals. Plus, water intake with The Transform app, Lifesum, and My fitness pal. Since my goal is also to continue losing weight.

I also hope to work on this blog more. I always find my way back to it. Hopefully, 2023 will be my year to keep up with my blogging and writing. And finally, finish writing a book. Plus, I get to my goal of reading 52 books in a year. Last year I read four. I am also planning on getting into bible study this year.

My Third Goal is to be more social this new year. It was something I was trying to do before COVID-19 hit and then it all went into shambles. The older I get the more I realize how important it is to build and surround yourself with a supportive community and supportive friends.

These are my goals for 2023. Doable I think so. And I really hope so.
Happy New Year!