I’ve had this blog for a large 10 years. That’s a decade of me sharing my thoughts both big and small with the world on this platform. It started out as a tiny blogger blog. And last year I finally migrated over to WordPress. I am still figuring things out on this platform but overall, I am so happy I made the jump to WordPress from Blogger.
I have shared some great posts and some posts that I thought could have done better. I’ve always been a perfectionist and I’m harder on myself than I am on anyone else. In the 10 years of having this blog that is something that has stood out to me the most.
This blog has gone through the wringer with me. From breakups, marriage, sickness, and more. I’ve always tried to share my honest thoughts and opinions about the topic that is swirling in my mind at that moment. Usually, a topic that I am currently going through.
A week ago I ended up in this hospital and was diagnosed with COVID for the second time. Luckily, it was an emergency room visit and I was not admitted to the hospital once my vitals were back to normal. I was prescribed Paxlovid and I am not really ready to share my thoughts medically as I am not a medical professional. But, I will say that it was not for me and I had to stop taking it. Of course, always talk to your doctor before going off any kind of medication. But, after a few bad days, I decided this was not the medicine for me and I would rather just deal with the COVID symptoms.
My COVID symptoms have rebounded. Nothing too agonizing or horrible. But, my congestion is back, especially in my lungs. Which, does concern me since I had pneumonia. But, I am taking it all in stride one day at a time. I am going to retest myself again today with an at-home test.
But, I woke up this morning and looked at my calendar. Something I haven’t been doing much of lately since I’ve been sick off and on for two months. And I realized that yesterday was 10 years of owning and operating this blog. I know that is something to commemorate because I’ve quit a lot of things in my life over the years. This blog has always been my safe spot to fall back into. A place I could curl back into when things were going haywire in my life. My Sweet Spot.

These past few years I haven’t been quite as consistent with my blogging and writing. This year I made a resolution to change that. To bring consistency back into my blogging, writing, and reading practice. Sometimes I just write about whatever random topic is on my mind. I do write ideas down as I go along and try to figure out topics that spark my interest. Sometimes it is just a fly-by-the-cuff moment. My goal for my 11th year of blogging is to be more consistent in my craft and my topics. I am excited for another year of this blog and all the new journies that it will bring me on.