10,000 words Writing Challenge in the Fabulous App

I saw this challenge in the Fabulous App which I’ve been using for about a month now and am loving it. Yes, I paid for premium which I feel is well worth it because it has helped me pick and choose the habits that will benefit me the most and more importantly actually stick with my habits.
I’ve been working on abandoning some bad habits and cultivating good habits. One of the good habits I am trying to cultivate is to write more. Write on this blog and write and finish working on my books. I always have ideas but it is hard for me to actually sit down and cultivate them. So, this week that is my plan.
with the help of the app I am going to write an actual outline for my books and start really working on them. I write like I read. I need to have multiple projects because my mind is always whirling and buzzing around with ideas. But, by the end of this work I will have 10,000 words. Which, means I need to write a lot this week. I’m a little scared to be honest because at this point it seems like a huge mountain to tackle.
But, I keep procrastinating on my books and really making a career out of writing instead of something I do occasionally when I can’t think of anything else to do. This blog has mostly become a pet project and a hobby. But, even if no one reads I believe it helps to cultivate my writing skills. At one time I wanted to be a pro blogger and I’m not saying if that did happen I wouldn’t be ecstatic.
But, At this point in my life I truly believe if it not something you would cultivate for free then it probably won’t make you happy in the long term getting paid for it.
I remembered as a little girl sitting on my computer writing scary stories. And romance books. And whatever else popped into my head. Of course, I rarely finished and I’m sure my writing was sub par at that point. As a kid with literally no life experience or very little. I also wanted to act, dance, and be a veterinarian and thought it was possible to have fifty jobs. Who am I kidding I still believe this to a certain degree.
My hobbies and passions are boundless. So maybe I can still write, make art, bake, and whatever other creative endeavor comes my way. Maybe still work with animals at some point. But, I digress. This week I am challenging myself to really honing in on my book writing skills and creating art for an art show coming up in September.
So grab your cup of tea (or coffee) and let’s get writing…..