I am no stranger to the ebb and flow of life’s ups and downs. And the natural cycles that we all go through monthly and yearly. Sometimes it can be hard to honor our rhythms and cycles. Especially, in a society that is so focused on outside success. Lately, I’ve gotten caught up in this dilemma. Looking more to the outside world than listening to my inner voice and talking to God.
We all have a natural and internal clock that is related to the physical seasons as well as the seasons we go through internally. Women can attest to this when it comes to our bodies. You can view my post about cycle syncing with my body here. And it is in ancient science like Ayurveda and TCM or traditional Chinese medicine and our own circadian rhythm. Unfortunately, we tend to hustle and grind more than rest. Recently I learned the importance of rest and following my body’s natural rhythms and cycles.
Recently I had walking pneumonia. It was an almost two-month battle. What started as a cold suddenly became a sinus infection and then bronchitis and then turned into bacterial pneumonia. I had to go to the doctor 5 times to finally get the right medical treatment. A few times I went the doctors brushed me off saying it was just a cold and it would go away on its own. But, it just kept getting worse until I was physically, mentally, and spiritually exhausted.
I believe there was a purpose and a plan for this situation. It made me reevaluate my life and the current season and cycle I was going through in my life. My body needed a rest. Not getting enough sleep was taking a toll on me. My mind needed a rest. Anxiety has really been creeping up on me lately and worry about the future. Or lack of future I feel I will have at times because in my timing everything is moving slowly. But, I know God does have a plan and a purpose for me so I am trying to believe this as I move towards my goals and dreams.
I don’t believe God would put these goals and dreams in my heart if they were not achievable. But, it can be hard to believe in yourself when you feel like everyone around you is moving like a tornado and you are moving like a snail. I had grown emotionally exhausted comparing my life to others.

Walking pneumonia taught me that I have to honor the cycle and rhythm that I am currently in. Even if it is not as fast-paced as I would like it to be. But, I guess going slow and steady does win the race. I have to honor that I am currently in a slower-moving phase of my life. As well as honor the emotions that come up during this phase in my life. And try not to get caught up in comparison.