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5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn’t Quit

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I finished reading 5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn’t Quit by Nicki Koziarz.

I’ve been a quitter at many things. And I think most people can agree unless it is a lousy habit quitting can oftentimes leave us feeling regretful over the past and the things we didn’t accomplish.

Some things I’ve quitted over the years: Diets, exercise, business ideas, and writing, and I’m sure there or more things I’ve quit. Each time looking back and wondering why I quit. Sometimes I did have a good reason but most of the time it was fear, doubt, and self-criticism that caused me to give up on my goals and dreams.

Even this year I had some big goals and although I am getting there it has been easy to fall into the mindset trap of I’m failing. I know I am the hardest on myself. I am trying to be more delicate with myself and give myself more grace.

“Desperate situations will either lead us to a greater dependence on God, or they can cause us to detour away from God.” -5 Habits of a woman who doesn’t Quit

In the past when I got discouraged I started to lose my faith. I remember one particularly hard season of my life that lead me to question if God was even real.

I’ve gone through many hard seasons and sometimes I asked God for help but many times I tried to fix the situation myself. Can you guess which ones did not work out? Yes the seasons I tried to fix myself. I am the kind of person who hates to ask for anything. Especially help. And even asking God for help can be difficult at times. But, whenever I turned my attention to God instead of fixing it only on my problems something miraculous always happened.

A course in Miracles says this “Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. ²The real miracle is the love that inspires them. ³In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle. (ACIM, T-1.I.3:1-3)

All miracles mean life, and God is the Giver of life. His voice will direct you very specifically. ³You will be told all you need to know. (ACIM, T-1.I.4:1-3)

“Quitting when we are angry or upset almost always leads to regret.” -5 Habits of a woman who doesn’t Quit

This is another thing I can most definitely raise my hand to. Whenever I’ve quit something because I am angry, sad, hurt, or upset I’ve always ended up regretting it. That is where giving the issue to God and my emotions about the issue to God really come into play. When I stop to pray and meditate I get the answer I need.

“When we stop fighting for a formula and fight for humility and surrender. then we see God move.” -5 Habits of a woman who doesn’t Quit

“If our mountains are not miraculously moving, we may need to merge faith with footwork.” -5 Habits of a woman who doesn’t Quit

Of course, we can’t just sit on the couch and watch our goals and dreams come true. They also take footwork in conjunction with our faith, surrender, and trust in God. This can be hard work because most of the time these steps are the hard ones. The ones we struggle with that seriously make us want to give up. I felt this a lot over the years. I take the steps and don’t see progress so I throw in the towel and give up before the miracle happens.

This year I am determined to not give up. I am determined to trust, surrender, and have faith in God.

So we must not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we Don’t give up. -Galatians 6:9


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