
Some Firsts
Sorry Not Sorry
About Me

Hey there. Thanks for stopping by my blog and checking out my About Me page. I’m so glad you stopped by. My name is Christina. Behind the blog, Just Miss C, you’ll find me, the blogger/writer. I love glitter, unicorns, and mermaids.

I started my blog, Just Miss C, eleven years ago. My, how time flies. When I started my blog, I wanted an outlet besides Facebook and Instagram to share my life. I love writing about my fur babies, Beauty, Faith, Fitness, Fashion, what lights me up, and sharing my passions with the world.

Signs and Crossroads
Blessed to Have my Mom
5 Goals for May
My Confessions
Happy 85th Birthday Audrey!
Sunday Social: Week 100
Five on Friday
The Honey Roast
Happy 1st Birthday Ollie

Looking for Something?