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I went thrifting! What did I find?

I went thrifting the other day. It was so much fun. I love picking things up and finding new and old goodies to add to my Etsy and Poshmark closet. 

I found a lot of amazing vintage items that day and I honestly could have bought more. There are items I am still thinking about that I wish I had picked up but in the moment I decided to pass on them. I see why a lot of the time they say you should go back twice. Because maybe you missed something the first time or there was an item you passed on that you decided you want with the second go around the thrift shop. One item was a vintage tin and another item was a pair of chocolate/espresso cups from Japan. 
But, I did find plenty of awesome things that I’ve been listing. I found two baby planters. One is marked and the other one is unmarked. 

Then I found this little trinket box with a Japan sticker on the bottom
I also listed this B&G Mother’s day plate

You can shop my Etsy store here 
Today, I listed three tops in my Poshmark closet. 
An Eddie Bauer sleeveless button down tank top in size Large
A VS PINK tie dye tank top
and lastly
A Sanctuary Blue striped tank top 

You can shop my Poshmark closet here 


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